You have to dare to tell 7 truths about yourself. Now that in itself proves to be more difficult than not. One: how much do you tell (self censure) and two what will you choose to tell.
Well I decided for those things:
1. Am crazy about music. Which is not a wonder. I remember that I always wanted to play a double-bass in a symphonic orchestra (size queen, yeah!). And when we were touring with my dancing colleagues doing Evropa pleše or just going to competitions with the bus I sometimes imagined I'm on tour with an orchestra. I listened to Mozart's Requiem and got completely blown away by Bach's music. I started with Concerto for two violins and could not stop listening to that piece of music. Later came the Orchestral suites and
2. I love cars. I always have. The fancy ones of course. I still twitch every time I see a Bentley, Rolls-Royce or Jaguar. I always imagined to owning one (of each?). That might never come true and my wishes are at the moment more in the style of Volvo C70 or C30. And I love to drive fast! I love the feeling of the power underneath my foot and arse. I love to overtake all the cars on the motorway (hence the ticket!!!). I drive safely (ok, Kasparina, once in a lifetime, right?) and fast. I guess if I had a RR I would drive more elegantly and not so sporty. Or rather James would drive me more elegantly, heh heh.
3. I was always fascinated with royals and aristocracy. I have no damn idea why. As a very young boy I got completely taken by Louis XIV and up until now I've read at least 6 books about him, his life, government, and some 30 more about the art at that time. I studied the genearological tree of the Bourbons and consequently also of other European nobles. I'm not a monarchist per se, I just admire the fact that some of the families can trace back the lives (not only names) to 11th century. Our tree only goes back to the 18th. In elementary school I used to draw little crowns in my notebook and my dad completely freaked out, saying they're gonna arrest him for having royalist aspirations.
4. Am vain and a fashion aficionado. I don't care for models so much as what they wear. If I had a lot of money I admit, would spend great amounts

5. I would love to be part of a secret organization. Just to see what it's like.
6. As a kind I was always dangerously attracted to drugs. Not that I did any (at the time), but just the word presented something exciting. I did some later in my teens but found out they are not at all what I wanted or needed, so I stopped. I get high enough on music and Cmoko...
7. Am crazy about books. I want to have a massive library in my new 1500m2 house (hmm). And most of all I love old books. With all the wisdom that is sometimes today already forgotten. But I love television too. I watch a lot of it. Mostly BBC and all the other educative channels. Sometimes I watch reality shows but only if they have scarcely dressed cute men inside. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
7a. I'm a very sensual person. I love to touch, taste, see, smell. Am a hedonist. Love good and beautiful things. Love the ugly ones too – they make the beautiful...
Sm hotu nekoga druzga, pa je skenslu svoj blog. Zverina!
kaj moraš tudi sedemkrat objaviti??? hihihi..... očitno samo dvakrat ;-)
si mi pa dal delo........
ne ne, to je bila napaka, haha! ker sem nekaj klikal in popravljal.
enkrat bo dost! hihi
pa sej ni nujno treba v anlg. Js sm, ker je alcessa v anlg objavla in je šlo to pol naprej v moji glavi v tem jeziku...
Jaz sem ravno v fazi pisanja te zadeve. :D Matr smo hecni, da ubogamo takole na "ukaz". ;)
A ni educational (TV) channels? Pod točko 7.
Sicer pa zanimivo, čeprav ni bilo veliko novega. :)
Sunshine: jah sej... če ne bi zdele, neb nikol...
O nadežda: te nisem hotu obremenjevat, k sm mislu, da maš izpite... jah nič novga ja... i'm so see through... Vprašanje odločitve... kot sem napisal v uvodu... :P
Z izpiti sem konec, spopadi se nadaljujejo jeseni. Učenja pa še ni konec, ampak to je druga zgodba. :)
Ma nisi see through, ampak že dolgo te berem, pa malo sklepam. In vidim, da prav sklepam. V glavnem, Dita bo imela enga super strica! :)
hvala, hvala! :blush blush:
Ambala: glede na to, da te ne poznam prav dobro, sem izvedela veliko o tebi. Način, na katerega opisuješ sedem svojih lastnosti, me spominja na ... orgazem :blush: - prisegam,da v pozitivnem smislu in zato, ker je zelo očitno, koliko ti vse to pomeni...
Sem velika fenica od "Ein deutsches Requiem", če ga poje Dietrich Fischer Dieskau...
Mission completed... ojej, ti pokora, ti! si me nasel! A lahko zadeva malo pocaka, trenutno imam polne roke dela.Tele stvari se bom pa najbrz lahko lotila v prihodnjih nekaj dneh ali pa drug teden. Jao, jao, jao....
JOJ vsi se pritožujete!!! haha
Sej ni mus! Moja mami je vedno govorila, mus je samo umret!
pametna ženska...
Alcessa: ja super skladba. Šla bi pa ti skupaj s Cmokotom, ki je pravi Dišfiš (kot mu pravim jaz) fan! Meni je ok, so mi pa drugi pevci bolj všeč...
Kasparina: mal katarze, no. :) :*
Ma ne... to se malo pritožujemo, samo je v bistvu kar zanimivo početje. Predvsem to, da si moraš postaviti lastno cenzuro.
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